Skiing, Art, Music, and Empowerment: Overcoming Obstacles with Jonah

"One of the things I like about WAS is that for one they have helped me learn to ski, but if you ask me on a deeper sense, they have helped me become more independent and that helped me learn to overcome difficult tasks in my life."

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Getting Riding Again with WAS Student Savannah

"At the hospital, I worked with many great therapists and nurses who recognized my interest in riding. They mentioned that they have a connection with Wasatch Adaptive Sports and have a spot saved every Friday for patients that would be interested in riding bikes with them. I felt butterflies! I got the chance to take two Friday spots during my stay at the hospital, and at times when my week was hard, I reminded myself that I only had to make it until Friday until I got to go ride again."

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Making the Impossible Possible with Wasatch Adaptive Sports

"I often daydreamed about going skiing with my dad like everyone else. Unfortunately he has one of the worst cases of MS the University of Utah has ever seen and being able to ski with my dad seemed….IMPOSSIBLE, or so we thought."

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Best Skiers on the Mountain: Inside the First-Ever SitBird Advanced Monoski Camp with Wasatch Adaptive Sports

"Attending the SitBird Camp put me in the heart of the adaptive ski/mono-ski community which is where I feel the most comfortable. Being among those who are willing to meet me where I am helps bring a feeling of independence and confidence navigating the world as a whole."

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What it Means to Be an Adaptive Ally with WAS Student and Ambassador Elena

"WAS is a superb avenue for me to share my love for the snow and mountains with other disabled outdoor enthusiasts. Experiencing the mountains today in a way that seemed so intangible for so many years, gives me fuel to help others find similar adventures."

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My “Second First Time” Backcountry Skiing: Heliskiing with WAS and Powderbird!

"WAS is a superb avenue for me to share my love for the snow and mountains with other disabled outdoor enthusiasts. Experiencing the mountains today in a way that seemed so intangible for so many years, gives me fuel to help others find similar adventures."

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Racing Against #8: Defeating Hall of Famer Steve Young on the Slopes with Drake Becker!

"It’s not every day you get to meet greatness. And it’s even rarer to have the chance to face off with one of the all-time best: the man himself, Hall-of-Famer and Super Bowl champ Steve Young!"

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Every Family Deserves to be a Ski Family: Finding Joy and Excitement on the Slopes with the Lindseys

"Finding WAS has helped lighten our load as parents, gives us a reprieve, and joy and excitement in our children’s eyes. The kids feel confident and capable in so many ways and that confidence is transferred to how they react with their peers in other classes and groups. They truly do love their instructors and miss them when our season is over. On top of that, the scholarships help us be able to afford the activities each year."

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“Free as a Bird” – Learning to Ski at 60 with WAS Student and Veteran Ed Riding

"Skiing has changed my life drastically. I rarely have winter depression and I have met many great friends on the mountain. I owe great thanks to all the wonderful instructors of WAS."

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“The joy on his face when biking and skiing with WAS is indescribable” – Getting Outdoors with the Bauers: A WAS Family

"It has been very freeing and empowering to be able to get outdoors and reach new mileage goals each week. One of my favorite things with WAS is our women’s group. Every week we do an activity together and it has been an amazing experience."

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“My Legs Were Strong, Life Was Good Again”: Getting Back on the Bike (and Getting My Own!) After My Stroke

"It has been very freeing and empowering to be able to get outdoors and reach new mileage goals each week. One of my favorite things with WAS is our women’s group. Every week we do an activity together and it has been an amazing experience."

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“New friends, new opportunities, and new places”: Finding Empowerment and Community with Debbi and the WAS Women’s Ride

"It has been very freeing and empowering to be able to get outdoors and reach new mileage goals each week. One of my favorite things with WAS is our women’s group. Every week we do an activity together and it has been an amazing experience."

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“It brightens my soul to ride”: Rediscovering the Joy and Community of Cycling with Grant Aagard

"After I started having foot problems I didn’t know if I would ever be able to ride a bike again. Then an amputee support group activity just a few months after my surgery introduced me to Wasatch Adaptive Sports. They taught me that it would be possible for me to take up cycling again."

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“Find a Way and Make it Fun”: Welcoming Katie Allred as Development Director with WAS

"Participating in the WAS Hustle was a transformative experience that both challenged my own capabilities and allowed me to create a meaningful impact in the lives of others with adaptive needs. Combining my love for adaptive sports and my commitment to helping individuals push beyond their limitations, the fundraiser became an exciting event that stretched my comfort zone and filled my days with purpose."

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Push Boundaries, Reach Goals, and Impact Others, One Mile at a Time: Why HUSTLE with WAS and Camron Gabler This Summer

"Participating in the WAS Hustle was a transformative experience that both challenged my own capabilities and allowed me to create a meaningful impact in the lives of others with adaptive needs. Combining my love for adaptive sports and my commitment to helping individuals push beyond their limitations, the fundraiser became an exciting event that stretched my comfort zone and filled my days with purpose."

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Defining Adaptive Allyship: the WAS Community Weighs In on What it Means to Be an #AdaptiveAlly

"To me, an ally is someone who will do the work with you to change a situation that desperately needs improvement. It's more than a friend. It's more than an advocate. It's someone who isn't afraid of facing uncomfortable truths and working with you in the same cause. This goes beyond lip service and nice platitudes. An adaptive ally is someone who will do something in their sphere to improve the landscape of how adaptive needs are met."

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Jeff Page: My Journey Back to the Bike and Improving Adaptive Cycling for Others

I am looking forward to riding with Wasatch Adaptive Sports more than ever. Without the programs available to other disabled people and me, others and I would be much less likely to be able to ride. Being outdoors and able to ride and talk to others is also a significant mental advantage.

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Isabella & Rutuja: Finding Connection, Confidence and Independence Through WAS Programs

Hear from WAS students and friends Isabella and Rutuja and their moms, Brittany and Gina, as they discuss how skiing and biking with WAS has improved their lives and development, provided opportunities for friendship, and brought them joy and connection.

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TyAnne Crook: Adaptive Sports Changed My Brain Injury Survivor’s Life (& Mine Too)

"If you can find a place like Wasatch Adaptive Sports that treat people like they matter, people grow. Recreating and socializing outside in the fresh air is healing. Everyone, regardless of ability status, can enjoy the outdoors. Physical activity is good for you no matter what your body looks like or what it can do."

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Supporting and Giving to WAS Year After Year with the Beckers

We were on vacation visiting family in Salt Lake City when we learned about WAS seven years ago. Drake was no stranger to the slopes

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Michael Ricci: Life After the Marines

I served in the Marine Corps from 2004 to 2009 as a Network Communication Specialist. While serving, I had two separate 13-month deployments to both

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Wheelchair Palooza

Wheelchair Palooza started out of an idea that a group of mothers of children with Spina Bifida in Utah came up with. These mothers enjoyed

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How 3 Hustle Participants are Accomplishing their Fundraising and Mileage Goals

The WAS Hustle is an annual event where individuals can sign up to cover mileage while raising money in support of adaptive recreation. Participants set

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5 Fun Ways to Fundraise Through the Hustle

The WAS Hustle is almost here! We've shared 5 ideas for how you can fundraise through this fun community-wide event.

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The Shipp Family: A WAS Family Experience

Meet the Shipp family and find out how they've been involved with WAS for over 20 years!

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A Tribute to Peter Mandler, 50 Years with Snowbird

Peter Mandler, WAS founder, celebrated his 50th year with Snowbird. Watch a video about his dedication to this organization.

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Still Gonna Send It: Matt Tychsen

Matt Tychsen and his wife Hunter send it on the slopes of Snowbird while utilizing their new Kuat Rack to get around the valley in style.

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Partnership Highlight: KÜHL

This past year, KÜHL met up with Jonathan, a student at WAS, to amplify his story about how a renewed sense of independence and a revitalized appreciation for life was born in the mountains!

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“These Group Rides Saved Me”: Happy Tears, Gratitude and Community with Adaptive Mountain Biker and Advocate Amanda

"One of the things I like about WAS is that for one they have helped me learn to ski, but if you ask me on a deeper sense, they have helped me become more independent and that helped me learn to overcome difficult tasks in my life."

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“Everyone deserves to enjoy the outdoors in ways that make them feel invigorated, connected, and alive.” – Why I Love Working with WAS

"One of the things I like about WAS is that for one they have helped me learn to ski, but if you ask me on a deeper sense, they have helped me become more independent and that helped me learn to overcome difficult tasks in my life."

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“The joy on his face when biking and skiing with WAS is indescribable” – Getting Outdoors with the Bauers: A WAS Family

"It has been very freeing and empowering to be able to get outdoors and reach new mileage goals each week. One of my favorite things with WAS is our women’s group. Every week we do an activity together and it has been an amazing experience."

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