Michael Ricci: Life After the Marines
I served in the Marine Corps from 2004 to 2009 as a Network Communication Specialist. While serving, I had two separate 13-month deployments to both
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Wheelchair Palooza: Bringing the Community Together
On September 24, 2022, Wasatch Adaptive Sports joined Challenged Athletes Foundation and Utah Adaptive Alliance in hosting the 3rd annual Wheelchair Palooza. Over 200 wheelchairs
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Wheelchair Palooza
Wheelchair Palooza started out of an idea that a group of mothers of children with Spina Bifida in Utah came up with. These mothers enjoyed
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How 3 Hustle Participants are Accomplishing their Fundraising and Mileage Goals
The WAS Hustle is an annual event where individuals can sign up to cover mileage while raising money in support of adaptive recreation. Participants set
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5 Fun Ways to Fundraise Through the Hustle
The WAS Hustle is almost here! We've shared 5 ideas for how you can fundraise through this fun community-wide event.
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Amy Bannon: How You Can Be an Adaptive Ally
Amy Bannon joined the WAS team in March 2022 as the Development Director. Sse is excited to serve the adaptive world in a new role while diving into all that the Wasatch Valley has to offer!
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The Shipp Family: A WAS Family Experience
Meet the Shipp family and find out how they've been involved with WAS for over 20 years!
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A Tribute to Peter Mandler, 50 Years with Snowbird
Peter Mandler, WAS founder, celebrated his 50th year with Snowbird. Watch a video about his dedication to this organization.
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Still Gonna Send It: Matt Tychsen
Matt Tychsen and his wife Hunter send it on the slopes of Snowbird while utilizing their new Kuat Rack to get around the valley in style.
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Partnership Highlight: KÜHL
This past year, KÜHL met up with Jonathan, a student at WAS, to amplify his story about how a renewed sense of independence and a revitalized appreciation for life was born in the mountains!
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Richard Schutt: The Difference WAS Programs & an E-Trike Make!
Richard Schutt is valued highly in our WAS community. He started with WAS over 5 years ago and continues to ride with a few WAS
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David Steen: Barb & Steve Young Scholarship Recipient
Last winter season, David Steen received the Barb & Steve Young Scholarship which awarded him a private lesson per week throughout the snowboarding season. Hear
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