Save the Date: Get Hustlin’ with Wasatch Adaptive Sports this summer! Back by popular demand, the annual WAS Hustle event will take place from September 1 through September 28. The Hustle brings together the entire WAS community to set distance and time-based goals for recreation during the challenge, while fundraising to benefit Wasatch Adaptive Sports students! Roll, walk, paddle, hike, yoga or run your way through Hustle while supporting WAS students.
Registration information coming soon!
2024 Registration Link is NOW OPEN!
Interested in sponsoring the 2024 WAS Hustle?
What is the WAS Hustle?
The WAS Hustle is a community-wide fundraising and physical activity challenge.
How does the WAS Hustle work?
From September 1-28, participants will log their miles and hours of physical activity while fundraising for Wasatch Adaptive Sports!* (Fundraising is encouraged, but not mandatory to participate in the Hustle).
What are the goals of the WAS Hustle?
As a community, we aspire to collectively raise $25,000, cover 25,000 miles, and log 2,500 hours of physical activity time. All dollars raised benefit WAS students and programs, and contribute to WAS mission to empower active living through outdoor recreation.
How do we Hustle?
Fundraise, cover miles, and log hours!
Set goals for 1,2, or all 3 of these categories.
Cycle, paddle, hike, MTB, yoga, or run – Then log your stats each week via a link provided by WAS.
Where do I record my mileage and hours of physical activity?
Once the challenge begins, a weekly email link will be shared with all participants.
How do I sign up to participate?
Register to participate at this link. The cost is $35, a donation to WAS which includes a WAS water bottle!
Can I participate with a team?
Yes! Join as a team: with friends, family, co-workers, a trail group, anything goes! Join the “all WAS” team or participate solo if you’d prefer!
Are there prizes?
You bet! Fundraising, mileage, and hours of activity individual and team category leaders will win amazing prizes like WAS party shirts, coolers, YETI mugs, packs, and more! Plus, every Hustle participant will receive a WAS Hustle water bottle!
Can I share the Hustle with friends, family, my company, my network, etc.?
YES! Please do – the more participants we have, the more folks we can get active in our community and the more dollars we can raise to support adaptive recreation!
Is fundraising mandatory?
It is not! In order to participate in the Hustle, we ask that every participant make a $35 registration donation that includes WAS Hustle socks. Fundraising is encouraged, with all funds directly supporting WAS students, but not required!
How do I register?